Take a look at what your business offers. Are you selling high-ticket items or are you selling some kind of service? Then, think to yourself: am I relying on my customers to make a one-time purchase and am I struggling to get new or recurring business in the door? 

Once you’ve identified what your company already offers, think about ways to extend this offer that will reel them back in; what kind of recurring, subscription-type service can your business give to them after the initial transaction? For us at SalesDouble, we started out only offering our clients a block of calls, and so we relied on them to come back and request additional blocks. What we realized was that we could offer a program-type service that included ongoing blocks of dials, then soon after, email marketing, a CRM system, etc. Not only was this beneficial for our business because it kept our clients in the door which provided a steadier revenue stream, but this created better results for our clients in the long-run as well. 

B2B generally needs to be an ongoing or longer-term relationship. This is because as the cost of a purchase increases, so does the need for trust to be increased proportionately. The biggest benefit of some kind of recurring program that you can offer isn’t just revenue but keeping your business in the front of your clients’ minds. So, if you sell a high-ticket item, you could offer maintenance or support on a contract or subscription basis, or if you are selling a service then you could provide educational materials that relates to your business and how it can help them. 

You can keep clients coming in with a subscription or program-type service that will increase the importance and need for your business, build trust which may also lead to more referrals, and create a more predictable revenue stream. 

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

We can separate the way businesses interact with their customers or client’sHow SalesDouble turned infrequent transactions into a reliable, subscription-based programYour B2B company can offer helpful and recurring knowledge or services to clients to produce a more reliable revenue stream with a type of subscription or program

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Resources Mentioned: 

Grab the FREE eBook - “Top 10 Secrets for B2B Small Business Owners” at http://www.growyourb2bcompany.com.

Website: https://www.salesdouble.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YourSalesDouble