The old philosophy of mine that we should focus on building a great service rather than focus on what our clients actually need and wanted kind of permeated our whole organization. We were more focused on the fact that we offered a great service but didn’t take into consideration that what we offered wasn’t hitting the spot on what our clients needed. Or, that we weren’t targeting the right clients for what we were offering. I was obsessed with the service we provided when I should have been focused on our clients, but I was determined to turn my attitude around, that of our staff, and the direction of our company. I’ve been focused on this ever since, and it has made a huge difference.

Although I realized our focus needed to be client-centric instead of service/product centered, I didn’t realize some of the reasons why this was other than the general idea of trying to come at it from a service standpoint instead of what’s-in-it-for-us standpoint.

In addition to focusing on the client vs. the product, you need to focus on the clients you are targeting. If your product or service is not needed, then you will always struggle. Try to find the value in what they will see if they choose to purchase from you. If you are selling to the wrong customer, you will continually finding yourself having to convince them to purchase, when you want to sell a product or service that speaks for itself and doesn’t need twisting arms. This is better for your business and better for the needs of your clients as well.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

I used to focus on our service more than what our clients wantedPer Steve Larsen, “You don’t fill your own wallet,” meaning that you are not the one buying your product or service.When you start focusing on genuinely doing your best to serve your clients instead of selling them something so you can make money, it comes through and your clients will love you for it.

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Resources Mentioned: 

Grab the FREE eBook “Top 10 Secrets for B2B Small Business Owners” at

