Your business needs a good system in place in order to run efficiently. The first thing you have to do is start documenting all the tasks your business has on a daily basis. Larger, successful businesses have operation manuals or knowledge bases, or some kind of training resources. This is not just corporate fluff. Without systems in place that are documented, they would have never gotten as big as they are. 

If you don’t have things documented yet, I would start out with the most important items and the rest can be added overtime. Anytime an employee works on a task, they can document the procedure for that task and update it any time things change.

I believe that you should look at every new decision or strategy in terms of the long-term impact and feasibility of the action. If it cannot be documented and put on autopilot, it’s probably not a good strategy. Think about the end game – what would turn your company from a job someone could buy from you, to an asset that has much more value on the open market that someone could buy it and walk in, hands off, and the business would still function.

If you can get to this point in your business, it will change the lives of your team, your customers, and you. If you aren’t systemizing your business, now is a great time to start.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

You have to put systems in place at every stage of your business before you can grow to the next level.The goal of any business venture for you as the entrepreneur is to create a valuable asset – your business. Systemizing your business to be able to run on autopilot without you will substantially reduce the stress in your life.

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Resources Mentioned: 

Grab the FREE eBook “Top 10 Secrets for B2B Small Business Owners” at

