Episode Summary:

In this episode Chris and Johnna once again go off the cuff to discuss and on-air coach themselves through an emotionally charged situation that is currently impacting their lives that many likely also face. And that is knowing when to set emotional boundaries with the people in your life.

Topics Covered:

Taking on other people’s emotions Understanding when taking on other people’s problems is a problem in your life Being an empathetic person Feeling like your hands are tied when your loved ones are hurting Draining your cup also drains your loved ones When boundaries need to be set Uncomfortable conversations, ultimatum, when to cut people out Where do boundaries begin? Protecting your own mental energy The Five Minute Rule You get in life what you tolerate Realizing what you have control over Who do you let push their emotional agenda on you? Assessing your stressors When it’s okay to cut toxic people out of your life Ways to have the uncomfortable conversation surrounding boundaries



Resources Mentioned:

Hal Elrod (5 minute rule)