When this year started, no one expected it to turn out the way it has. Sadly, many small businesses have gone under as a result. Those that survive will be the flexible ones. If you can identify the opportunities that exist and pivot to take advantage of them, then this will be a storm you can weather. 

Kenny Morgan is an agency owner who transitioned from branding and design to storytelling and video production. He’s worked with some great brands like Vans, Sony, the NFL, and more. His company, Counsel Creative strives to help businesses of all sizes tell their stories through web development, branding, graphic design, and video production. 

Niching his business down from a full-service agency to video production allows Kenny to be very strategic in what he does. In the face of the COVID economy, this has allowed Kenny to be adaptable with his business. Unfortunately, he’s had to shrink the size of his workforce. However, he also sees the opportunities for growth that it presents in the end.

As people consider niching down their business, there is often a fear that they’ll miss opportunities. However, if your business focuses on something you're passionate about, that will shine through in your work. That’s how customer loyalty is born and businesses excel.

Is your business on the ground right now? How can I help you stand back up? Let me know in the comments on the episode page!


In this episode

Being adaptable and optimistic in the face of uncertainty Fighting the fear of niching down The importance of building emotional connections Why processes are the key to growth



“We have a choice. We can adapt and grow. Or we can sit back and unfortunately see our defeat. I hope I can be the one to always keep standing up.” [20:42]

“It’s one thing to adapt. But if you’re adapting into something that’s not truly you, then it’s not really the best place.” [22:11]

“In order for us to serve people, we have to understand ourselves first.” [34:00]



Find Kenny Morgan online

Follow Kenny on Facebook | Instagram | Linkedin | Vimeo

“Bridge of Spies” standing man scene


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