No one likes failing. But every failure hides an opportunity. In fact, what sets you above your competition may have been borne out of a failure. Combined with perspective, failure provides lessons for learning and growing.

Nate Bailey is a leader and a speaker who knows how to impact and reach an audience. He recently fulfilled his long-time dream of selling his insurance agency to follow his dream of being a full-time coach. As a best-selling author of three books, Nate adheres to the simple philosophy of living what you teach.

With the business landscape thoroughly impacted by COVID, Nate is busy supplying large doses of perspective. This is a time to focus on what you can control. We can’t predict how and when the situation might change, but we can be strategic in how we position our companies to respond. 

Just because you may be stuck at home and conferences are canceled doesn’t mean you can afford to stop networking. There are still authentic ways to reach out to potential clients and partners. Nate explains how the details of connecting have shifted, but not the underlying principles.

These times are a good reminder that there will never be a perfect time for anything. Waiting for perfection will only lead to paralysis. It’s important to recognize when something is good enough, give it a shot, and learn from the experience.

What have you been avoiding because you might fail? What could get you to do it? Let’s talk about it in the comments on the episode page!


In this episode

Remembering what you still have control over in your business How to reach out without going out Focussing on progress, not perfection Recognizing the opportunities that accompany failure



“If they can tell that you’re really coming from the right place and you know what you’re doing, and you do create something of need that creates value, you’re going to be fine. It’s going to come back to you for sure.”  [24:17]

“If I'm going to show or tell somebody that they should do this or that in their life, but I’m not doing it, that would be super out of integrity for me. I don’t ever want that to happen.” [31:05]

“It’s all about progress, not perfection. If you wait to be perfect, that’s what keeps people from launching the business.” [35:15]

“Flipping the perspective on failure is great. It’s how we learn. It’s how we grow.” [38:27]



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Sales Navigator


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