Today on the podcast, we have one of our newest next-level members here with Mike. Anthony DiBicarro started Magic Clean in January 2020. He began as a property manager and combined cleaning with that position. Eventually, he was able to make that his full-time job but it was challenging. It was starting a family that made things come to a head for him and he had to ask himself how he was going to juggle all this at once. That allowed him to look at how things were going and take action to take back control and work on his terms. 

6:50 How it’s Going  17:47 Increase in Confidence 23:25 Find the Right Recipe

Love the idea, but find it overwhelming. Want to learn the next steps like, what to say on the call? Jump on a call with one of our coaches and learn strategies on how to grow your cleaning company and start loving your job every day! Book here