Hello Cleaning Nation! Today’s podcast is a little different than most but one that has a ton of value. Today, we are talking about money! For so many of us, the goal is always money. But why? And where does the time/money balance come in and what are we really trying to accomplish by having money anyway? Listen in and Mike and Jackson-one of our in-house marketing gurus-talk money. How to make it work for you and be in control of it rather than the other way around.

2:01 We All Have Our Own Threshold for Where Time Starts to Matter Over Money 8:59 Keeping Money Has More to Do With Mindset Than Profit 16:41 Money Doesn’t Need to Change You
Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to growmycleaningcompany.com to listen to our FREE webinar or growmycleaningcompany.com/talk and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.