In today's GROW B2B FASTER episode, our host Sammy, Managing Partner and founder of SAWOO catches up with Rob Gonzalez, Co-Founder and CMO at Salsify.

That's in it for you
1. How Salsify started building up its digital DNA and Rob’s major responsibilities as CMO
2. The crucial role of the right customer for successfully scaling up your product/market fit
3. Top advice on how to create and test valuable content efficiently
4. The evolution of B2B Marketing and why quality over quantity ultimately wins
5. How Salsify defines its own product category and builds thought leadership through community development

About Rob
Rob loves to get creative and shows this in his positions and work history in product management and marketing. He is a founding member of The Digital Shelf Institute and a core member of _Underscore.VC, two Boston-area startups and ran inbound marketing and product management for Cambridge Semantics, another Boston-area startup. He then co-founded Salsify where he is CMO.

About Salsify
Salsify is based in Boston, Massachusetts and empowers brands by providing tools to track and analyze inventories, presentation, and sales of goods on digital shelves. Up to now, they raised $252m.

Find Rob on LinkedIn 

Rob’s company Salsify

Rob’s favourite business book: Deep Work by Cal Newport

Rob’s favourite business leader: Ben Thompson and his blog Stratechery - Rob: “currently the most thought-provoking smart technical strategy writing”