In today's GROW B2B FASTER episode, our host Sammy, Managing Partner and founder of SAWOO catches up with Tim Riesterer, chief strategy and marketing officer at Corporate Visions, Inc.

That's in it for you
1. How decision science works and why the approach is useful for B2B businesses
2. How to become a trusted advisor by uncovering your customers unconsidered needs
3. What the DIQ approach is and how to implement it
4. Why destroying the status-quo of your customer doesn't work for existing buyers
5. How often should you take business reviews with your clients?

About Tim
Tim is the co-author of four books on the subject: "The Expansion Sale" (2020), "Three Value Conversations" (2015),  "Conversations that Win the Complex Sale" (2011) and “Customer Message Management” (2006). In 2018 he started to work for Corporate Visions as the leading provider of science-backed marketing and sales training programs and consulting services for B2B companies. Since 2019 he is also on the Editorial Advisory Board at International Journal of Sales Transformation.

About Corporate Visions
Corporate Visions is a leading marketing and sales messaging, tools and training company that helps global B2B companies create more sales opportunities, win more deals and increase sales profitability by improving the conversations salespeople have with customers.


Tim's Book "The Expansion Sale"

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Find Tim's research firm "B2B decisions Labs" at

The book that was a turning point in Tim’s Life: "Peace with God" by Billy Graham

Tim's favourite business book: "7 Habits" by Stephen Covey

Tim's recommendation for books on behavioural science: "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman

Tim's recommendations for a more entertaining and commercial version of "Thinking, Fast and Slow": "The Undoing Project" by Michael

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