*This is a German episode*

In times of Covid-19, B2B sales are wrongly paid little attention. Studies by BCG and Bain clearly show that companies that focus on growth in recessions grow faster than the competition both during and after the recession. See article: “CEO crisis-playbook: grow faster AND expand profitability during times of crises”

We show you how B2B sales employees should act in times of the Corona crisis to secure existing business and generate new leads.

We invite B2B sales experts Adolf Goth and Dr. Tobias Kiefer who will give you pragmatic tips.

"That's in it for you"
1. That you should shift your focus from closing deals to building long-term relationships with your customers.
2. The key factor for charismatic appearance is full presence and the commitment to really listen to your customers.
3. The main goal for you should be to build up a reputation of accountability and reliance towards your customers