Paul has given his defense, his testimony to the angry mob that tried to kill him and to the high council. In Acts 24 and 25 he has a hearing with Felix, the governor and for two years, Felix tries to get Paul to pay him a bribe to let him go but Paul never did. Felix leaves office and Festus takes over. Festus wanted to please the Jews so he had Paul's hearing immediately after taking office and wanted to transfer Paul to Jerusalem. Paul knew he'd never make it to Jerusalem because the people had a plan to ambush him so he appeals to Caesar. Festus can't find any accusations worth writing a letter about to the emperor so he wants King Agrippa to listen to Paul's defense. A great lesson we can learn from listening to Paul give his testimony is how God can take anyone, no matter what they have done, and turn their life around. Paul was a murderer of innocent people yet when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus Jesus gave him a new purpose, a new direction for his life and Paul was obedient. What about you?