Paul is going to hang out in Ephesus for at least two years preaching the gospel and giving the people hope. Luke writes that God gave Paul the ability to perform unusual miracles, so unusual that when a handkerchief that he owned touched a sick person, they were completely healed...immediately! As he continues to convert people to Jesus, the worship of false gods along with their idols begins to decline. With the decline of idols means a decline in the bank accounts of the silversmiths that make the idols. They stir up a mob and a lot of chaos against Paul as well as the local believers. They gather in the amphitheater, they have no idea why they are there, and they are yelling random things. It's what the enemy does; He causes chaos and confusion to distract and discourage. God is opposite. God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33); He is a God of peace. What is your life filled with? Confusion or peace?

Paul is going to hang out in Ephesus for at least two years preaching the gospel and giving the people hope. Luke writes that God gave Paul the ability to perform unusual miracles, so unusual that when a handkerchief that he owned touched a sick person, they were completely healed...immediately! As he continues to convert people to Jesus, the worship of false gods along with their idols begins to decline. With the decline of idols means a decline in the bank accounts of the silversmiths that make the idols. They stir up a mob and a lot of chaos against Paul as well as the local believers. They gather in the amphitheater, they have no idea why they are there, and they are yelling random things. It's what the enemy does; He causes chaos and confusion to distract and discourage. God is opposite. God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33); He is a God of peace. What is your life filled with? Confusion or peace?