The Holy Spirit falls on the apostles and it causes a great commotion. A crowd gathers and they think the apostles are drunk. So Peter stands up and we see the display of the power of the Holy Spirit as Peter quotes, with great confidence, the prophet Joel as well as some Psalms as he preaches the very first sermon given by the Spirit. It convicts many of the Jews that were present and they are obedient to the instructions given. What instructions and why do we want to argue about them? Why not just do what he says?

The Holy Spirit falls on the apostles and it causes a great commotion. A crowd gathers and they think the apostles are drunk. So Peter stands up and we see the display of the power of the Holy Spirit as Peter quotes, with great confidence, the prophet Joel as well as some Psalms as he preaches the very first sermon given by the Spirit. It convicts many of the Jews that were present and they are obedient to the instructions given. What instructions and why do we want to argue about them? Why not just do what he says?