We are a society that wants what we want yesterday. We don’t want to wait for anything. We get mad at red lights when they change to red and there isn’t a car in sight and we yell and make gestures to those who cut us off and glow slow. Why? Because we are in a hurry to get to a place that isn’t going anywhere yet we think it can’t make it without our presence. We have all the information we could ever need at our fingertips and we get it in a instance, at the push of a button but yet we have to wait patiently for something we have no control over whatsoever—the return of Jesus. And as we wait patiently for Jesus’ return, we are to be patient with one another and not grumble about one another.

We are a society that wants what we want yesterday. We don’t want to wait for anything. We get mad at red lights when they change to red and there isn’t a car in sight and we yell and make gestures to those who cut us off and glow slow. Why? Because we are in a hurry to get to a place that isn’t going anywhere yet we think it can’t make it without our presence. We have all the information we could ever need at our fingertips and we get it in a instance, at the push of a button but yet we have to wait patiently for something we have no control over whatsoever—the return of Jesus. And as we wait patiently for Jesus’ return, we are to be patient with one another and not grumble about one another.