We know Jesus was a giver and the ultimate gift he gave was his life on the cross for our sin, but his example of giving goes way back before the cross. He was always meeting people’s needs, from his disciples to the crowds that constantly gathered around him everywhere he went. After hearing the news about the death of John the Baptizer, Jesus went off to be alone but some people heard where he was going and a they ran ahead of him to beat him to the spot. As they went, they told others and by the time Jesus got to his destination, a crowd of over 5,000 men, not including women and children had gathered to meet him. The man went off to grieve but instead, he was met by this greedy, selfish crowd who wanted their needs met. How did Jesus handle the situation? He took time to heal their sick, to feed them using a miracle, and taught them about the kingdom. He was moved with compassion and he put his needs aside, and met the needs of the crowd. We are told we are to be like Jesus. Are we? Do people see a giver or a selfish person in the crowd? The Problem of Suffering” by Kippy Myers. I’ll put a link to the book in show notes (https://www.hesterpublications.com/store/p104/TheProblemof_Suffering.html).

We know Jesus was a giver and the ultimate gift he gave was his life on the cross for our sin, but his example of giving goes way back before the cross. He was always meeting people’s needs, from his disciples to the crowds that constantly gathered around him everywhere he went. After hearing the news about the death of John the Baptizer, Jesus went off to be alone but some people heard where he was going and a they ran ahead of him to beat him to the spot. As they went, they told others and by the time Jesus got to his destination, a crowd of over 5,000 men, not including women and children had gathered to meet him. The man went off to grieve but instead, he was met by this greedy, selfish crowd who wanted their needs met. How did Jesus handle the situation? He took time to heal their sick, to feed them using a miracle, and taught them about the kingdom. He was moved with compassion and he put his needs aside, and met the needs of the crowd. We are told we are to be like Jesus. Are we? Do people see a giver or a selfish person in the crowd? The Problem of Suffering” by Kippy Myers. I’ll put a link to the book in show notes (https://www.hesterpublications.com/store/p104/The_Problem_of_Suffering.html).