We continue looking at the parables Jesus used to teach the crowds so they could try and understand what it was like to follow him. In this episode of the GRINDIT Podcast, we take a look at two parables: the hidden treasure and the pearl. In both of these parables someone is searching for something. One treasure hunter has heard about a certain buried treasure in a field so he goes looking for it. When he finds it, he reburies it, goes and sells everything he has so he can purchase the field, and now the treasure is now his. In the second, a merchant who deals in pearls is always looking for that one pearl that is worth a lot of money, the mother pearl if you will. If they could just find that one pearl, their life would be complete. Many people are still looking for that pearl but what they don’t realize is that pearl is Jesus, that treasure is Jesus. He is worth giving up everything to follow. He should be THE most important thing in our life. What is that pearl, that treasure you seek? However you answer that question, if it’s not Jesus, that is the very thing that is keeping you from following him which is called an idol. What is your soul worth? What is so important, so precious to you that you aren’t willing to give it up to follow Jesus?