Jesus heals a man who couldn’t hear nor speak. The people who saw this happen was amazed and they started to ask the question, “Could this man be the Messiah?” The simple answer is “Yes” but was it so simple? There are many who reject Jesus to this day so what’s the difference? You may say, “Well they had Jesus walking around with them so they should have known,” but it’s not that easy. They had preconceived ideas of who and what the Messiah would be and Jesus didn’t fit the bill. So the Pharisees used any opportunity they could to reject Jesus and this time they accuse him of working miracles by the power of Satan. Jesus tells them straight up that a kingdom divided cannot stand and if he is working miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit, then the kingdom of God has come. Then he warns them of blaspheming the Holy Spirit which is an automatic ticket to hell. What does it mean to blaspheme the Holy Spirit? Listen to find out!