Why do we use lamps? We use lamps to give off light so we can see in the dark room. But what happens if we turn on the switch and the lamp doesn't come on? The bulb doesn't light up? We'll be left in the dark and the lamp becomes nothing but an ornament to look at or a huge paperweight! Jesus said our eye is a lamp to our body and if the eye is healthy, it will let light in but if it's not healthy, then our bodies are full of darkness. Then he says there are many who think they are full of light but they are actually full of darkness. This comes after he said the disciples righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees. The Pharisees thought they were following God and yet they weren't. In fact, they wanted to kill God in the flesh--Jesus! They had everybody fooled, except God Himself. What about your eyes? Are they healthy?