John the Baptizer was preaching the kingdom of God is at hand and that people needed to repent of their sins and be baptized. Crowds of people came out to hear John speak and many would be obedient to his message being baptized right there in the Jordan River. He had all kinds of people listening to his message and asking him what should they do to make things right. He had mean, women, tax collectors and even soldiers! Why, even the religious leaders came out to hear his message! And the things John told them can be boiled down to this: Where’s your heart? If God has changed our hearts, then our lives will reflect that. Jesus summed it up when he was asked what the greatest commandment is: The first is love God with all your heart, soul, strength. Then Jesus added, the second one is love your neighbor as yourself. We tend to be self—ish but Jesus was self—less. We need to be more like Jesus. He was always thinking of others and never about himself. Even when he was going through so much pain on the cross, he still thought of others when he said, “Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” What does your heart say about you? Does your heart reflect Jesus? Do people see Jesus when they look at your life?