We all make mistakes but how we react to these is what sets all of us apart. You can either sulk in your problems or walk away from it happier. But how can you move on from a difficulty you’ve gone through?

Life can be a rollercoaster, we have ups and downs and in the midst of all of that, we are searching for more. We are searching for more meaning, happiness, success, love, acceptance and fulfillment. But what we are really searching for and pursuing our purpose. We want to live ON purpose.

In this episode Empowerment Speaker and Author Jeff A.D. Martin shares his journey to live on purpose and help others do the same. Jeff talks about dealing with a family member that got murdered, speaking to young people to empower them to find greatness, his journey with being a police officer, and being a best-selling author. This is an inspiring conversation that you don’t want to miss.

Jeff is a transformational speaker, critically acclaimed author and curator of Inspire Legacy Speakers and Inspire Legacy Student Character Curriculum.

WANT TO BECOME A BETTER SPEAKER? Let Jeff help you. Signup for his speaking course, Inspire Legacy Speakers Academy and get 25% off! This is exclusive for listeners of this podcast. Use discount code: grindandgratitude

        [06:59] We can really move mountains with the movement of what we’re doing here… It allows us to make such a bigger impact in places that we would never think we would reach.
        [11:33] I’m saving lives and i don’t say that in a cocky way. I say that because I’ve been able to walk in my purpose. And my purpose has been to stand up and to speak life into people who are going through difficult circumstances. 
        [12:04] All of us have gone through some type of trauma in our life. We’ve all gone through some type of difficulty. However, if we can learn to stand on top of our story, not to drown in our story, then there’s someone who can learn from your story and be blessed by it. And have their life changed & healed, have them recognize that their life is valuable and important. It all comes down to understanding and learning from your difficulty to push your life forward.
        [12:44] A lot of us have to learn lessons from things that didn’t go right in the past and learn how to walk through it stronger than before.
        [14:07] It is so important to learn not to allow our situations to hinder us but instead grow from them. There’s always a lesson within that story. We have to learn how to die to the old us so the new us can be born, the new me can be born.
        [16:38] It’s important for people to know that your life is bigger, it might take some time to find your gift or that one thing that you’re really great at but don’t give up on searching for it.
        [19:23] I decided to walk into my purpose, take the negative energy I had and turn it into something to make an impact on this world.
        [21:00] People need leadership. People need to hear the voice of people like you and me so they can find the direction they need to go into to make their life magnificent again.
        [22:51] 3 Questions you need to ask yourself everyday: Who am I? What do I want? And what’s my purpose? When you ask these 3 questions everyday, it brings you purpose. As we ask ourselves these 3 questions it starts to bring clarity. When we start gaining clarity on these 3 questions, we gain clarity on our purpose and guide us in life.
        [25:04] You have to have the discipline to follow your curiosity. How can you know your purpose if you haven’t tried other things? Whatever you feel you’re being drawn towards, you have to have the discipline to act on that because that’s where you’re supposed be at that time. We have to act on that curiosity.
        [27:26] There’s always lessons in your circumstances that you can use to propel yourself forward.
        [31:07] There are a lot of broken people in the world. They believe they are destined to be there. And because of that, their children are destined to be the same way. We need to learn that we can break that cycle.
        [33:40] I really believe that none of us are here by accident. We’re here for a reason and purpose. While we’re here, again as I spoke about earlier, the problems that we sometimes face in life - it’s a story. It’s a story that you can use to help and heal other people. I want to be able to help others change lives of others through telling their story. I’ve heard, seen, and done it. I know it works. I want to help people to do the same thing.
        [40:00] You have to seek out people in your life that are mentors, coaches, goal-getters to help you to level up your life. Find people who will inspire you to search for the greatness within you and take action on that.
        [44:59] The way the world works in my opinion is that we go to school, we graduate, go to university, graduate, and work for the next 30 years. If we teach kids, we teach them how the more independent than some of us are in the community.
        [53:07] You can start taking the steps right now to push your life forward. You can start today.
        [54:36] There are 2 great times to plant a tree, once is 20 years ago and the 2nd best time is right now. Today is the day to start.
        [01:00:41] Don’t try to be the impact in the world. Be the impact in YOUR world.   
        [01:00:17] No matter what your gift is, it doesn’t have to be something that moves people motivationally. It can be whatever gift it is that you have but you have to put it into this world because it can change the life of somebody around you and make their life better. And make your life better because you were here.
        [01:03:41] That is the lesson. It doesn’t matter what you do, it’s all about following that gift and just trying to serve and trying to do it to the best of your ability. Don’t ever give up on your dream. Don’t ever give up searching.
        [01:04:17] To grind means to wake up every single day and to chase your passion and purpose. It’s putting yourself into action so you could take even the tiniest of baby steps to get towards your purpose.
        [01:05:12] Gratitude is appreciating everything around you. It is when you can see something not for what it is but for what it can be.



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