Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and that's okay. As long as you're honest to yourself, you learn in both situations. There's nothing better than being the real you in front of everyone. You don't have to hide or feel ashamed because the right people will accept you for who you are. Walk in your truth, and greatness will follow. 


In this episode, I'm going to talk about how you can win by being yourself. Through this, you'll realize why authenticity is what matters most in every step towards success. Don't be afraid to show the real you. Step out of your comfort zone. Own the stage and make it happen. 


[1:32] We struggle to be true to who we really are. Instead, we become who we think other people want us to be.
[1:58] We see other people have this extravagant lifestyle, and then we want that. There’s nothing wrong with that. But what happens is, to get that lifestyle or to get that joy and that happiness, so many of us become somebody who we’re not.
[2:43] Our hopes, dreams, and desires fade away. They get replaced by what we see other people have, what we see on social media, and what we see on TV. 
[3:15] You can win by being yourself. 
[3:56] When you stand in who you are and you stand in your own story, beliefs, values, and what you stand for, you win.
[4:09] So many people are afraid to let people see who they really are. As a result, they pretend to be something that they’re not.
[4:31] Even if you get the success that you think that you want, you’re never going to be happy. There’s going to be this sadness knowing that you weren’t authentic. 
[6:01] It doesn’t matter what you do or what you have. At the end of the day, you have to go to bed knowing that you got those things or you didn’t get those things by being yourself or not being yourself.
[6:32] We want loving relationships, cool business partnerships, and amazing clients in our business. But we can’t do that by lying, cheating, stealing, and pretending to be something that we’re not.
[6:57] I only want to be around people who like me for me. I don’t want to be around people who like me for what they think I should be.
[7:28] You have to be honest with who you really are. 
[7:54] Once you’re honest with yourself, who you are, and what you stand for, then you’ll attract the right people.
[8:19] You don’t need to pretend to be somebody you’re not. Walk in your truth. Be confident that there’s something special about you. Know that you have a gift or talent that needs to be shared.
[9:22] That’s the key, attracting the right people. 
[10:30] You have to lead with value and lead with service.  
[11:15] Sometimes you have to put other people’s needs up there with yours. 
[11:24] It’s not just about you. Relationships are two-way streets.
[11:53] If you want to win in life, there’s nothing like giving to other people.
[13:55] Put your energy into using your genius, your superpower, and your talents to help others. 
[14:08] The best feeling in the world is when you help somebody.
[14:49] People connect with real people.
[16:52] I’ve always had great relationships with people because they can see that I’m a real person. 
[17:09] I’m not afraid to talk about my failures, vulnerabilities, and shortcomings. 
[17:34] I don’t have to be ashamed of who I am.
[19:16] I deserve to be in this room just like anybody else. 
[23:08] There’s nothing worse than winning when you have to sell out your values, morals, and character. 
[26:04] I’m not perfect. I have my failures, I have my flaws, and I own up to them. 
[26:40] Nobody’s perfect. We all make mistakes. We’re stronger than we know it. We can have these amazing businesses, we can serve other people, we can live on purpose, but we have to be true to who we are.



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