Sometimes we are exposed to opportunities and we are scared of taking advantage of the opportunity because we fear change. Not everyone is a risk-taker. But have you ever thought of all the great things that could have happened if you just had a positive outlook in life and seize that opportunity? You have one life. Learn as much as you can and use it to improve yourself first and then make an impact on the world after.

In this episode, Coach Danny speaks with Tash Jefferies, the founder of Her tech startup specializes in helping women and people of color get hired in tech roles. She is most-recently an Entrepreneur-In-Residence with and was based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where she worked with founders across the MENA (Middle East North Africa) region.

In this episode she talks about being a black woman in the Tech industry and shares advice and stories that will help you move through challenges you may have in your life. She also tackles her experiences living in the Middle East and how it wasn’t a hindrance in reaching her goals. Tash talks about the power of developing your positive mindset and being patient. Maybe that's what you need too. If you have self-doubt, fear or other challenges in your life, you need to list to this episode with Tash.

[4:38] Ultimately, that’s why we buy things. You’re giving some kind of value, whether it’s intangible and something perceived.

[5:33] Whether you’re online and it’s a downloadable guide for something related to what you’re doing, that’s value.

[6:16] Value is key at every step.

[6:24] We’re living in the information age. People can get information, but the problem is it’s not packaged up in a way that they understand.

[7:33] When people start seeing how your brain is working, they get a sense of how you work and are more likely to close a sale.

[8:25] 500 Startups overall, are venture capital firms, so they fund startups in varying sizes anywhere from pre-seed all the way up to I believe we’ve got some startups in the Series A, B, and sequential range. Usually, we find people when we’re at the startup phase or the pre-seed or seed-stage, and what we also do is we have various accelerator programs globally where we take and incubate startups and help them to raise their seed round.

[9:18] It’s the reason why I started to go to work in Saudi Arabia. So that’s an ecosystem that’s new and up-and-coming. I call it the “Silicon Desert” because I think it has the potential to be a huge hub, especially for people of color and women. 

[13:35] I’m a risk-taker, and I think that’s a huge thing. Being an entrepreneur and a startup founder, you have to be. Because even for the fact you’re trying to build something that has not existed before and the way that you’re building it, you’re a pioneer. 

[15:30] Don’t listen to everything you hear because people can talk all they want, but if they don’t have the experience and they’ve never been there, they're just talking out of thin air.

[16:38] It took getting used to, but it opened my eyes to understanding a whole new culture, a whole new way of life. And again, it gives me exposure on how to deal with startups in that portion of the world because things operate differently.

[22:59] People will take anything out and try to hurt you.

[23:21] I need to follow my gut in life because when I do, really awesome things happen.

[27:09] I got one life. If I get an opportunity, I don’t care what it is. I’m going to say yes. If I think I only got 50% of what it takes to do, I’m going to say yes. And if they give it to me, I’m going to take it. 

[28:39] Many programs are built to help you get out of your own way, understand where your blind spots are in life and move forward to be your best self.

[28:51] If you know that there’s something in you, that’s just not expressed or not fully self-expressed, or something is holding you back, find a really good life coach. Somebody who can help you to bring out the best in you and understand where your blind spots are. 

[31:25] You have to wake up in this morning ritual. The way that you talk to yourself in the mornings and the way that you start your day. Like when you look in the mirror, you have to talk yourself up.

[31:50] I think it’s important for people to know that we had to grow into confidence, and that’s through a lot of self-talk, coaching, and surrounding ourselves with people that lift us.

[32:21] If you can’t tell yourself you’re beautiful, who do you think is going to tell you that you’re beautiful?

[32:56] When you’re looking your best, you can feel your best, and you can bring out your best.  

[33:12] I do it for none of you all. I do it for me, and if that’s something that I need to do on any given day so that I can be a reminder to myself that I am beautiful, worthy, amazing, and special, then I do it.

[33:35] I am my own soulmate. Like you have to fall in love with yourself.

[34:28] We expect other people to make us happy, successful, to give us joy, to give us peace of mind. But you own your own happiness. You’re the owner of your story.

[35:10] You have to fill up your own cup first. You shouldn’t be giving to others when your cup is half full or is almost empty.

[36:25] If you’re not bringing it why would somebody else want to? Bring your A-game all the time. Be ready.

[37:20] Start giving back to yourself before you try to run out there and be everything to everyone or live this lifestyle that you think people want you to live. 

[39:40] Reach out for help. Some people are always here to help you make sure you get the resources, and please don’t let a horrifying health incident be the driver for your life, for getting back in control in your life. 

[40:19] You have to put yourself and your family first. Your career and your business are second.

[43:58] Think about the good things that you have around you. 

[44:34] When you’re stuck, and all you can see is the problem, and you can’t find a solution, until when? Until you calm your mind until you relax your mind and then when you’re in that relaxed state, now you can get into the solution mode.

[44:58] If you’re a very pessimistic person, you miss opportunities, relationships, and blessings because your mind focuses on all the things that aren’t working. 

[46:41] Sometimes, you just need grounding. You just need to reconnect with the world and the energy and just be settled.

[48:21] The whole goal in life is to play more in a happy place than every other place.

[48:56] We’re born to serve.

[50:49] Know the difference between giving and serving and underselling and undervaluing yourself. 

[52:32] If you’re going to become a founder and start working for yourself, please don’t jump on the first thing you think will make you a million dollars or make you a million bucks.

[53:47] If you’re going to take that journey to become an entrepreneur, please let there be passion involved.

[56:14] If only people across the world build up that ability to have empathy by 1%, I think our world would look completely different.

[1:00:05] Life is not guaranteed. Where I’m going to be at is not guaranteed either. Stuff is going to happen, and so I’m just open to the experiences and what life is going to bring me, and I’m not attached to how that’s supposed to look.

[1:00:59] We have to stop being tied to the outcome of things and the way we want things to work.

[1:03:49] If you feel like you’re being pulled towards something, you have to answer that call.

[1:05:06] Reach out and ask for help.

[1:05:34] Make sure that you have people you can call on and remind you of how amazing you are, and you need to cultivate, love, and cherish those relationships.

[1:06:21] Grind means you do whatever it takes to make sure that you hit that goal that you’re going after.

[1:07:03] Gratitude is life. Gratitude is what helps you stay on track. 



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