People are tired of sitting through meetings, presentations and keynotes with no end and where this is no clear call to action. Or they have to sit all the way through the presentation to FINALLY understand what the topic is about or the why for the topic.

In Stephen Covey's book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people, he identifies habit number two as “Begin with the End in Mind. For this reason, people want a preview of the new way, new idea, new way forward up front so they know if and why they should pay attention.

In this episode Coach Danny Stone shares why you need to start your presentation or speech with the end in mind. Why you need to focus on the ONE big message you want to leave the audience with to be more memorable and engaging.


In this episode you will learn:

3 big reasons to start your speech with the end in mind
How to break through to your audience then they are tired of presentations, meetings and speeches
What closing the loop means for you and for your audience
How to start and end your presentation in an impactful way

Links mentioned in this episode:

Champion You Academy
Danny Stone Website
Danny Stone Facebook
Danny Stone Instagram
Danny Stone Twitter
Danny Stone LinkedIn


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