Business owners, entrepreneurs, and side hustlers all want to make more impact, money and have more influence.

One of the fastest ways to build authority, your brand, and your business is public speaking. But for most people public speaking is terrifying and complicated and most of the people teaching public speaking are teaching an old method that is outdated.

In this podcast episode, Coach Danny Stone shares a BIG SECRET that almost NO ONE in the public speaking industry is talking about. It completely goes against the OLD WAY of teaching public speaking and unlocks a NEW WAY!

This new method helps you to not just speak to your audience, but engage them and lead them to take action which is what you want if you are a business owner.

Coach Stone lays out a simple, proven, 4-step method that has been around for decades but hasn't been applied to public speaking. It's a method that has been used for effective teaching and instruction, but never public speaking.

In this episode you will learn:

The old versus new way of engaging speeches and talks
Why the old 3-step public speaking method is outdated and not as effective anymore
The 4-step new way of public speaking and how to use it to engage your audience and lead them to become a customer
Real examples of how it works and how it will work for you

Links mentioned in this episode:

Champion You Academy
Danny Stone Website
Danny Stone Facebook
Danny Stone Instagram
Danny Stone Twitter
Danny Stone LinkedIn


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