Pubic speaking is still one of the top fears most people in the world have today. Standing up and delivering a speech or presentation is terrifying to many people in the world. Why are so many people afraid of public speaking?

There are many reasons, however the most common is the fear of ridicule from the audience. People fear being criticized by the audience they are speaking to.

There are some tips that can help you become a more confident, engaging, and empowering speaker. No not the same tips that you always hear, there are some key tips, that once you learn them you will win over the audience quickly and get them leaning into what you have to say.

In this episode you will learn, 5 uncommon, powerful, tips to help you become a better speaker.

Here is what you will learn in this episode:

8:30 - You have to believe in your message
11:25 - Have a great hook
15:15 - Record yourself and review it 3 different ways
22:54 - Tell champion stories and become a better storyteller
30:03 - Learn what the audience needs to hear and deliver it In the comments let me know your biggest challenge when it comes to public speaking

Links mentioned in this episode:

Champion You Academy
Danny Stone Website
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Danny Stone Instagram
Danny Stone Twitter
Danny Stone LinkedIn


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