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In a world constantly throwing curveballs our way, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. But what if we could find wisdom in unexpected places?

In this week's episode, I share some personal key takeaways from my 2023 life experience that might just inspire you to view your daily challenges through a new lens.

From never underestimating the power of saving pennies to your future feeling like it could come down to a coin toss, there are lessons weaved through all of our life's experiences - including parenting!

Children have this remarkable ability to bounce back from setbacks with an enviable positivity—something adults often struggle with. They can also be some of our best teachers, too! A couple of my favorite life takeaways come from my parenting experiences.

Additionally, through this week's episode, you will learn how persistence can pay off, not just in terms of goals or ambitions but also in terms of advocating for your health.  And that embracing authenticity, self-awareness, and looking at relationships as mirrors are all unexpected places we can gain wisdom.

It is my hope, that by the end of this week's episode, you'll feel inspired to learn more deeply about yourself, perhaps look at situations in your life with a renewed or fresh perspective, and be open to the learning that is always available to us. Whether the teachings happen through parenting, other relationships, courses, programs, mentors, or just plain old crappy situations, the opportunities to grow are boundless.

In 2024, may you discover more of what makes you amazing, the shadow parts that may need some healing and love, and what matters most to you. Remember: self-knowledge empowers us beyond others’ perceptions. 


Episode Sponsor: Magic Mind | Use the code "GRIEVINGVOICES" to receive one month free with a 3-month subscription. This special promotion is only for January!Previous Grieving Voices Guest’s | Breast Cancer Go FundMe: Lindsay Joy and Maha Bodhi Learn Your Human DesignYouMap



National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255Crisis Text Line provides free, 24/7 support via text message. Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a trained Crisis Counselor

If you are struggling with grief due to any of the 40+ losses, free resources are available HERE.

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This episode is sponsored by Do Grief Differently™️, my twelve-week, one-on-one, in-person/online program for grievers who have suffered any type of loss to feel better. Click here to learn new tools, grief education, and the only evidence-based method for moving beyond the pain of grief.

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