Ashley interviews Brianne Grebil "skin therapist" on how having problem skin effects your daily life. Do you have acne because you're depressed or you're depressed because you have acne? And what studies are showing.


In this episode you'll learn:

How poor skin held both Ashley and Brianne back in life. Is your skin breaking out because you're unhappy? First steps to shifting your mindset and emotions around your appearance. The first steps to shifting your emotions and thought patterns around your appearance.

Links mentioned:


Brianne's website

Nebele Skin Care line

GITNB Podcast Playlist


About the guest:

Brianne Grebil (pronounced Gree bul ) is a holistic esthetician specializing in acne, and is a self described “skin therapist”. She takes a truly holistic approach to skin care, addressing the physical, mental and emotional components that affect your skin, as well as how your skin affects your life.