With fall well underway, and parts of the US already feeling plummeting freezing temperatures, preparing and winterizing your garden is an essential task to help protect shrubs and newly planted trees. It's also good to help create a natural habitat for garden wildlife, in need of food and shelter during the winter months. Planting trees and bulb flowers that will pop up in the spring, bringing some much desired color to a dreary landscape.

Winterizing your garden may sound like a lot of work, however it's worth it to get these jobs done in the fall when temperatures are cooler easier to work outdoors. From tasks like blowing out irrigation systems to prevent freezing and broken pipes, to cutting back dead or damaged limbs that could become hazardous during sever winter storms. It's also an ideal time to give your garden tools some TLC before putting them to bed for the winter. Even through it's the end of the growing season, there's still plenty to do to keep gardeners, property owners and landscape professionals, busy this time of year.

Joining us on this #plantchat episode to share his experience and knowledge. is Sean McManus of the Spoken Garden. Sean grew up learning horticulture on the family rhododendron farm, receive two horticultural degrees at Washington State University,   operated a private landscape business, and is now the co-founder of Spoken Garden with his wife Allison.

Their blog and podcast offers information about smart, sustainable garden maintenance. Teaching homeowners that taking care of their yard is an extension of the Earth. And to build their garden maintenance knowledge base, while growing a healthy garden and landscape.

Sean McManus at Spoken Garden - Blog and Instagram.

Enjoy this episode or have questions? We want to hear from you. Connect with Chris Sabbarese at Corona Tools on Twitter and our new GILN Facebook Group. This closed group is like-minded individuals who care about and discuss, gardening and plants, trees and landscaping related topics.

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