There is no doubt about it, during these stressful times of quarantine, shelter in place orders and social distancing, more people have turned to their gardens. Maybe as something to pass the time, to relieve some of the stress, or as a way to get some physical exercise. But as the country is itching to get back to work and ready to venture out, will this interest in gardening be sustained once we return to our normal routines?

After speaking to many green industry professionals, there seems to be a consensus that we will all experience a new normal. Even if this pandemic ended today, it's going to take a long time for the engine that drives our food supply and economy to get back to where we were before this all started. So there are many reasons to think that we could still see people turning to gardening for growing food, relieving stress and feelings of depression, as well as physical activity.

On this #plantchat episode, I asked well-known garden expert Melinda Myers, a television and radio host, what she thinks on the topic and why she feels so many have turned to gardening. She has written over 20 gardening books, including Small Space Gardening and the Midwest Gardener's Handbook. And she also hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” DVD series, and the nationally-syndicated, "Melinda’s Garden Moment" TV & radio program. She's also a columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine and writes a nationally-syndicated garden column. If you would like to watch the complete interview with Melinda, watch it on our YouTube channel and subscribe while you're there.


Connect with Melinda Myers by visiting her website, on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.


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