Lots going on in the industry these days in the wake of COVID-19 as the country reopens. Besides this being a busy time of year for the green industry in general many are still working remotely and almost all trade shows have been canceled for the remainder of the year.

TSA has stated that people have begun flying again, reporting 500K daily passengers at TSA checkpoint throughput. Still far below pre-Covid levels of nearly 2.7M which appears will be a long road to reach that level. Even if travel increases, how many will travel to trade shows and what will attendance be like? If travel is down overall, what does that do for attendance?

Many scheduled events have virtual options takes a different approach and thought process. There are a lot of moving parts in terms of preparing content, graphics and logistics of how people will interact with your virtual display. On this episode, we ask the question, are you ready for virtual??

Gaining experience now and going through this process makes us realize we need to adapt the platform to present the kinds of information we need, while doing that in on a self guided basis. What is your approach going to be for the remainder of the year? Are you checking out these virtual events? Taking note of what works and doesn't? Thinking through the process and developing your content? Or are you waiting it out for the 2021 show season?

No one has a crystal ball to know what the future holds, but it's apparent that things have changed  due to Covid 19. From all indications so far, we're a long way from getting back to normal. 


Enjoy this episode or have questions? We want to hear from you. Connect with Chris Sabbarese at Corona Tools on Twitter and our GILN Facebook Group. This closed group is like-minded individuals who care about and discuss, gardening and plants, trees and landscaping related topics.

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