Next Episode: Plant Fear Factor

For home and property owners, planting trees is an ideal way to anchor a well-designed landscape. Tress increase the property value, provide shade on a hot summer day and privacy from neighbors too. There are many reasons we invest time and money into planting trees, but what happens when things take a turn for the worse with your tree? When you seek help from a tree care professional, only to find out the reason is it was planted wrong from the start.

On this episode, master arborist, Tchukki Andersen of Tree Care Industry Association, explains how professionals go about diagnosing this problem and discusses options for getting your prized tree back on healthy ground. Or helping a property owner to determine if it's beyond saving. For more information about proper planting techniques and best practices, visit their help site,


Tchukki Andersen at TCIA - the VoiceofTreecare, on Twitter and Facebook


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