There are many great tips and ideas for businesses within the green industry to market their service. While some tactics may show some results and bring in leads, our customers are our marketers. Our products, services and our brands aren't what we them it is. It's what they are telling each other it is.

On this episode, we take a slight departure from topics discussing plants, trees and landscape, to take a look at how we as an industry, approach marketing to our customers. It's an opportunity for us recognize, we here to help them live the kind of lives they want.

I recently attended Social Media Marketing World 19 (#SMMW19) conference where the closing keynote was Mark Schaefer, speaker and author of Marketing Rebellion - The Most Human Company Wins. He defined how we as consumers rebelled against ads that lie to us, kept secrets from the public and now, thy have taken control of our marketing. Word of mouth isn't a thing of the past. 2/3rds of our marketing is happening without us and we can't control what their saying.

It's a profound shift in the way we approach our marketing. We must be more human and we can't buy our way in. We must be invited by making making connections and being human. My goal is to highlight some of the things we do now as a marketer in the green industry, and how we can be more human and invited into our customer's conversations.


Connect with Chris Sabbarese at Corona Tools on social networks including Twitter and Facebook.

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