Without a doubt, one of the most popular flowers, is the rose. Not only for sending to someone special but also to grow them in the landscape. And despite the common belief they can be being difficult to grow and maintain, today's roses are are bred to be hearty and low maintenance. The stunning flowers combined with their incredible fragrance, makes their popularity easy to understand. With over 150 species of roses and 1,000s of hybrids, there is definitely something out there to suit everyone's taste.

With so many options, when it comes to selecting a new rose for your garden and landscape, it can be confusing figuring out which one would work best for you. One way to know which are the standsouts among the rest, is selecting one that performs well in rose trials. The Biltmore Rose Trials held each year in September, is one of the most prestigious rose events. Judges from all over, come to judge roses that have performed well, withstand the elements, while providing the most spectacular flowers.

Joining us on this episode is one of this year's judges, Susan Fox, a noted rosarian who is known to many as Gaga's Garden. She's shares some of her insights about what happens at this event and has been a judge since 2014. For a list of the 2019 winning roses, you can find them on her website as well as past years winners since she began judging roses at this event.

Susan Fox - on Twitter and Facebook

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