Pen Hadow (@PenHadow) is an explorer and world record holder.

He is the only person to trek solo, without resupply by third parties, from Canada to the North Geographic Pole. His remarkable feat, in 2003 has not been repeated since and some argue it is comparable in difficulty to making the first ascent of Everest, solo and without oxygen.

Within months of completing the North Pole expedition Pen went on to become the only Briton to have trekked, without resupply, to both the North and South Geographic Poles.

In 2009, he formed Geo Mission, a pioneering environmental sponsorship organisation, which delivered the multi-award winning series of Catlin Arctic Surveys (2009-2011) investigating the rates, causes and global impacts of the fast-disappearing Arctic sea ice.

In the podcast we talk about Pen’s expeditions, world records, the concept of luck, physical and psychological challenges, setbacks, failure, pressure, mindset management and global warming.

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