On this month’s podcast we meet Dr. Dave Alred

Dave is an elite performance coach who works with world class sportsmen and teams. He helps them deliver when the pressure is at its most extreme.

Dr. Alred is a pioneer in performance, mindset and attitude. He holds PhD in Performing under Pressure from Loughborough University. He is a member of the UK Coaching Hall of Fame, a winner of the Mussabini Medal and a member of the ECB Elite Coaching Fellowship.

His clients include rugby’s Jonny Wilkinson, George Ford and Johnny Sexton; golfers Padraig Harrington, Francesco Molinari and Brad Kennedy; footballers, Joe Cole and David James; the England rugby union team; the British Lions; the England cricket team; British Judo and Premiership football sides, Manchester City, Sunderland, Watford and Newcastle.

He is also the bestselling author of The Pressure Principle.