Mark Maclaine (@markmaclaine) is one of the world’s most experienced tutors. With over 20,000 hours of one-to-one tutoring Mark has built a reputation as one of the most prolific tutors in the world in mathematics and science.

Mark’s pupils include the children of royal families, sports stars, movie stars, musicians and billionaires. He can be found tutoring in London, Hong Kong, Cannes, St Moritz, New York and the Caribbean.

Mark is also the co-founder of a company which sources tutors for parents and students. He has established the Tutorfair Foundation to provide free tuition for children who can’t afford it. For every student who pays for tutoring the Tutorfair Foundation provides free tuition for a student that can’t.

In the podcast Mark shares loads of personal insights from the adversity he suffered as a child, the difficulties he faced in school, how he became a tutor and how he established his reputation as one of the very best in the world.

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