After wrapping up the 50th episode of Graphic Novice, the guys muster up the strength for at least one more episode. Before discussiing anything comic-related, the guys talk about Nickel's other podcasts, Doc's hockey career, a highly anticipated update on VF's struggles with convenience store sausage biscuits, Frankencastle, conservative Spider-Woman and keychain bottle openers.

A quick discussion of the Spider-Man movie rights smoothly transitions things over to the comic book part of the podcast.

In our weekly discussion of the previous week in comics, we look at Crossed Badlands 71, Batman Eternal 44, Detective Comics 39, Birthright 5, East of West 17, Postal 1, Saga 25, Wytches 4, Nameless 1, Nailbiter 10, Ant-Man 2, Avengers 41, The Black Vortex 1, Hawkeye 21, Punisher 15, Star Wars 2, United States of Murder Inc. 6, & Grimm Tales of Terror #6.

We wrap things up with a look towards the books being released on February 18, 2015. Thanks for listening!