Its the end of the Spider-Verse event and Nickel, VF, and Francois are all back for another episode, despite having to squeeze this episode in on early a Saturday morning (and by squeezing the episode in, we mean its less than 2.5 hours).  Some brief coffee discussion, turns into a discussion of fast food, which then turns into a discussion of McDonald's, which then turns into a discussion of nickel's new bodybuilding career, which then turns into a discussion of doc's flimsy knees.

The conversation goes further and further off track, eventually touches on Valentine's Day 2015, and doesn't really turn towards comics discussion of any sort until the 48-minute mark... Another reason we shouldn't record on weekend mornings.

In our somewhat informal "Comic News" segment we talk about the upcoming DC Comics "Convergence" event and what titles will survive, which will be cancelled, and look at some of the new books that will come out of the event.

In our "Rapid-Fire Review" segment, we look at Deep State #4, Wild's End #6, Batman Eternal #45, The Harley Quinn Valentine's Day Special #1, The Empty #1, Southern Bastards #7, All-New X-Men #36, Amazing Spider-Man #14, Darth Vader #1, Nightcrawler #1, Thor #5, X-Men #24, and Guardians of the Galaxy #24.

We wrap things up with a look towards the books coming out February 18, 2015. Thanks to all the "Thirsties" out there for your support!