A celebration of 50 episodes, and well over 100 hours of podcasting together, we start out the show with a slightly self-indulgent look at where we're at as a podcast. Nickel bought himself a congratulatory cake and some Smaug Stout for a one-man celebration, and doesn't shut up after the stout kicks in.

The guys talk about Doc's march to the National Hockey League, his troubles at the local comic shop, and then deal with the listener feedback mailbag.

In "Rapid-Fire Review" the guys discuss Evil Empire #10, Batman #38, Batman Eternal #43, Gotham Academy #4, Gotham By Midnight #3, The Multiversity Guidebook #1, Alex + Ada #12, Bitch Planet #2, Cassanova Acedia #1, Dying and The Dead #1, They're Not Like Us #2, Amazing X-Men #16, New Avengers #29, Nova #26, Spider-Man 2099 #8, Thor #4 and Uncanny Avengers #1.

We wrap things up, as always, with a look at the books we're reading in the upcoming week (February 4, 2015), and Nickel drunkedly tries to remember people to thank before VF has to put him out of his misery. Thanks for listening!