My wife Laura grew up in NY, she used to always tell me how bad chain restaurant pizza was, but I dismissed that. Then, we moved to NY just outside of Queens, a couple block away was Angeleto. It’s the best Sicilian pizza you’ll ever eat. The perfectly tangy sauce, fresh cheese, crunchy edges… transformational. In the city, on the corner of Spring & Mott was Lombardi’s (PIC) the best thin crust fired oven pizza ever. I could never settle for Pizza hut or Domino’s again. I can’t go back, I won’t. Why? Because I tasted the real thing. Have you ever experienced something made the old ways dissatisfying because you’ve experienced real version? If we have truly experienced the joy of His grace and His community, that’s how following Jesus should be, I don’t know how anyone could ever go back to life without Jesus, if they’ve really tasted Living water