What is your first reaction to the phrase “the last days” or the return of Jesus? There is the churchy answer “Oh man what a glorious day that will be”, but all of us have a little anxiety right? Do you think biblical prophecy, signs that point to the possibility that the end is just around the corner? The topic is a little intimidating theologically, it makes you anxious. It should be the most comforting. Since the first century, one of the critical non-negotiables in Christian theology was that Jesus taught He will return. Apostles & early church fathers were all in agreement: We are in the last days & the return of Jesus was imminent. Early on, it was held as one of the most precious, comforting apostolic teachings. It was also the most attacked. It’s not surprising the enemy would target it. It’ll be his worst day, his worst moment, when evil is wiped out. We’ve seen an entire range of false teaching: Failed predictions, already happened, outright rejection, adding stuff. It’s been used for centuries for manipulation, fear mongering, financial gain (like in 2 Peter). Fast forward to today, it's still one of the most mis-taught, misunderstood teachings in the church.