Have you ever had someone you care about wounded, misled, or taken advantage of by someone or a group? How did that make you feel? What did you want to do? What did you want to say to those who did it? Did you play scenarios in your head what you would say, how it would go if you had a chance to unleash? When people we love are victimized, it’s fertile ground for outrage or anger, sometimes justified. Here’s another question. Have you ever wounded, misled, or taken advantage of someone else’s loved one? Were you confronted? Were you embarrassed? Did you lash back? Were you humbled, ask for forgiveness? If you think about it, all of us, intentionally or not, have wounded someone else’s loved one. Certainly, evil should be called out, it should be dealt with… but how do we do that without seeming to be hypocrites? It’s a hard balance, isn’t it? Managing our righteous anger toward those who hurt our loved ones. Then on the other hand, maintaining humility over the fact that outside of God’s Grace, we’re all capable of it?