Most of us struggle to believe who God says we are. We may know what God says about us from church sermons or reading God’s word but what does it mean to really believe? This week Kathy and Sara talk about breaking off the lies Satan has us believing, allowing Jesus to free us from the bondage and chains. Everything flows out of our identity. The bible has a lot to say about who we are, and it is good news! When we look to God to name us, we suddenly are freed from the opinions of others. We are then able to take someone’s opinion about us and line it up with the word of God and choose who to believe. Believing what others say, good or bad, will fall short. Believing what God says will lead to fulfillment and peace. True identity can only be found in the creator and God’s dedication to loving us is unmatched. He chose you, He made you, He loves you, He sent His son to die for you, and when you choose to believe that, God sees His perfect son instead of your sin, from now on. Now that is a victory none of us could ever earn!