This week Sara and Kathy talk about how God gives us the word of God to be offensive and defensive in our battle against the enemy. They cover the importance of putting on the helmet of salvation. Our salvation gives us a long-term hope, so we are free from focusing just on the here and now. We have eternity with the creator and sustainer of all! Talk about peace! They then go on to talk about the sword of the Spirit and how many of us women are struggling because we aren’t utilizing this amazing tool that we have, the Word of God. The Holy Spirit guides us into the truth of the Word so we can trust Him to reveal himself to us using his word. Storing up the word of God in our hearts is so important because it allows us to have reminders of his promises and follow the light God has given us. We don’t have to live in darkness anymore! Remember, God has equipped you and is with you every step of the way. This isn’t a battle to fear because Jesus has already won!