Welcome back! Today we are interviewing the two other women that made up the original Grace Warriors, Andy Arbie and Julianne Lagerstrom! Join the four of us on this week’s podcast as we dive deeper into grace and finding your true identity in Jesus. This episode is unique because you can watch the entire episode from our Youtube channel! Today we discuss the power of relationships centered on Jesus and the impact of the Word of God within those friendships. Have you ever felt like it is so difficult to have deep friendships? We talk about how the enemy attacks our identity and purpose to keep us away from gospel-centered community. The enemy is always trying to tear down and destroy. We need women in our lives that we can be open, vulnerable and honest with when we forget truth. Do you have a group of women you can walk through life? God gives us His people to remind us of what His word says when life’s circumstances feel heavy and unknown! God’s word is the center point that leads us to understanding all things and that is why it is so life-giving to know and study His word often. Centering ourselves on God’s word allows us to take our agenda and lay it down at the feet of Jesus, trust Him, His plan is so much better!