As we have covered our hopes for 2021, we have shared that our deepest desire is for you all to fall in love with the Word and for the Word to take you deeper in your relationship with the Lord. Today, Sara and Kathy read and discuss the parable of the sower. They discuss the three different postures of heart and the three different types of ground Jesus talks about in the parable. As Christian women, at one time or another we probably fall into each category as we grow in our walk with the Father. The goal is for all of us to be good soil for the Kingdom of God. Good soil bears fruit and when we bear fruit our lives have eternal significance. God created us for this! Our Father is pursuing us all the time and He is a God who desires to save and restore. That’s why He sent Jesus! How amazing is it that he wants us to be a part of furthering His kingdom? We encourage you to dive deep into the Bible this week and revisit these verses Kathy and Sara discuss. Remember to live in freedom, victory, grace and your true identity in Jesus today!