With Thanksgiving being this week and Christmas being right around the corner, it is easy to get caught up in the little details and lose sight of what is the most important during this season...sitting at the feet of Jesus. Today Sara and Kathy dive into the story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42 and give some insight into the scripture. Do you ever feel over occupied and too busy? *Raises hand*. The interesting part of this story is that Martha serving is not a bad thing. It was the distraction and taking the serving too far that caused her to miss who was in her home. But don't worry, God is at work in EVERY story. Martha was unfortunately losing her joy but Jesus came to her in tenderness. Christ honors them as women and we see a beautiful picture of him meeting both women where they are. Don’t get caught up in having the perfect house and the perfect food this season. Instead, spend time at the feet of Jesus and watch him transform your holiday season by changing your heart and perspective. Choose Him and peace and joy will follow. Have a great Thanksgiving!