As believers, what does it look like to be generous? Tis’ the season, right? It doesn’t always have to be money, it could be a giver of time, it could be allowing yourself to be generous in your prayers or even verbal affirmations to someone. Giving is always in season, especially around Christmas! This can be a little bit confusing because you may be a very generous person but not a giver and you may be a good giver but you may not be very generous. Today, Sara and Kathy talk about the difference between being generous and being a giver. There is a surprising difference! Have you ever been overly generous and allowed your family to go into debt? Many of us overspend during the holiday’s, putting ourselves in a financial bind that can cause a lot of anxiety. Being a good steward of the resources God gives us is important because none of it is ours to begin with! He paid the ultimate price, giving us the best gift of all, eternity with Him! As we enter the holiday season, let’s examine our hearts and ask the Lord to reveal to us places where we need to grow in generosity with our time, finances, and other resources.