Identity is something that shapes everything we believe and everything we believe then impacts how we act. When we believe the things we’ve been talking about in this identity series, we are changed, we are able to surrender and let go because Jesus changes everything. This week, Sara and Kathy talk about forgiveness. There are two sides of forgiveness, forgiving yourself and forgiving others. This all begins with believing you are forgiven for all of your sins because of the blood of Jesus! If we don’t receive His forgiveness first, we won’t be able to fully move forward in forgiving ourselves or others. Sometimes we grow up thinking if we don’t confess every little sin we are going to hell, but the good news of Jesus is that He forgives ALL of our sin, past present and future, that is the gift of salvation! We just have to choose to believe in Him. Do you ever feel like you are letting someone off the hook when you forgive them? You’re not alone and our God is a person God who sees the hurt done to you, Jesus wants to meet you in your hurt and He is the only one who can heal you! Are you harboring resentment towards someone or withholding forgiveness? Remember friends, we are all condemned without Jesus, and He has offered His forgiveness to us, while we were enemies to him! We get to choose freedom from the bondage of unforgiveness and that is good news! How can we not so freely forgive our neighbor when we are reminded of this truth? Tune in to Episode 12 now!